Hah. Title got your attention?
Its like today's title says~~~
I'm just dropping by for a while, yes, I know, I didn't post for two weeks. So no need to berate or lecture me about blogging. Try lecturing me the next thing you know I'll be ignoring you and getting your temper up.
Yes I know that was uncalled for as well =D
Um, ANYWAY....
Today was the day when all Form 2 classes had to perform their version of the Phantom of the Opera~~
So fun.
And happy.
Oh, and awesome!
So, first group.. Um.. who was the first group...? I forgot. Erm, anyways..
2nd group was my friend Nitya's group!
They were not bad at all~~ She was playing Madame Giry, same character as me! @@
3rd group - Ding's group! Ding's a choralspeaker by the way.
They were AWESOME. Sharmaine rocked with her La Carlotta role! Ha, great job Shar! Jinxian did a pretty good job with her role as Christine Daae as well. Nice one, Jinxian. Ding was really convincing as Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny, fantastic by the way, loved the swordfighting scene with Zarif. Made me wish I brought my handphone. Shh, don't tell Rajinder or Saiful or Rohaya! -looks around hurriedly- Anyway, Zarif did a really nice job with his role as Erik, the Phantom of the Opera as well.
That reminds me! The music! Made me laugh pretty hard at the Pink Panther theme song where the Persian(who was the Persian again? Nvm) and Ding as Raoul 'went down through the secret passages and stairs'. And Shar, great job on the "Think of Me" song. OH! And the swordfighting scene. OK, that so rocked. I was like "Whoa, they're really good."
All in all, I think their group was really the best, although I can't say for definite yet cause there're.... (counts: 10,11,12,13...) 4 more groups tomorrow, so yeah. But so far they're the most awesome group ever!!!!! I really wouldn't be surprised if they won at all. Seriously.
-Fast forward-
My group. Ack, group 5.
I say we sucked, but others say we weren't that bad. We were, erm, good. According to them anyway. But it was so messed up!!!!! =X -refuses to explain-
I had the role of Madame Giry and the Doctor. For the Madame Giry part, I wore a pale peach shirt with a design on it and a black skirt with red designs. For Doctor, I wore the PBSM shirt and skirt. o.O
Genia....hahahahahaa. She had the part of Raoul and La Carlotta. Made me laugh. Seriously.
Kek, who was playing the role of Erik, since we had no mask, we painted his face white.....
Jc's group, ok, not that bad. Really. Jc...looked like a gangster with the hoodie @@ I was like, O.O, what the heck?
And nice job with the Monsieur Armand~~~
And I talked with the almighty UDR who said tomorrow start practise after Form 2 recess. Joy~~~
So that pretty much wrapped up today.
-Sometimes you just have to believe-
-Maybe, just maybe, it'll come...-
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