OK, so today was SMK USJ4's Hari Guru eventhough the original date is actually 16th May but cause of stupid exams celebrated late.
Anyway, 2day was OK.
Stuff that happened:
Pn.Zaihanim won the round of Musical Chairs. Rofl.
Teachers won the game of.... er, dunno what game is that, ball with the students. Wow.
Pn.Kartini, on the other hand, sang with a student. Roxxx!!!
A gal sang "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift. OMG her voice so nice!!!!!!! Awesomeness!
The same gal sang with her friend "Why Not" by Hilary Duff. Coolness.
And this girl, omg wei, she played an instrument, sorta like violin, SO CHUN! Her fingers like everywhere O.O SOOOO COOOOOLLL!!! She's in the World Championing of Performing Arts thingy. Chunted!
And these 3 ppl, performed I'm Yours by Jason Mraz and Sunday Morning before the event ended. Rox!@@
Loved it.
Tmr going Phuket Island, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I won't be posting in a while, so yeah.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
28th May 2009
I know that i haven't entered a new post for 6 days or whatever but come on! I was being put through endless hours of torture during the stupid @!^#&%#@! exams!
You can't blame me! Blame the frigging creator of exams. >.< style="font-style: italic;">Love Blossoms: Discoveries chapter 8?
I don't even know what I'm gonna do for chap 3 of Let Me Be and Suteki da Ne.
Oh, er, just in case u didn't know, here are the links for the authors, which is ME:
The link to the stories are down there but just in case u're lazy here are the links:
Which is currently the most popular with 82 reviews for seven chapters.
With 13 reviews for two chapters.
With 10 reviews for two chapters. And having a beta helps. xD
With 9 reviews for four chapters. (NOT MY FAULT. Its harder to get reviews with YYH fics!) But I still enjoy it.
Legacy of Magic is gonna be rewritten under the title The Beginning: A New Era.
Wish me luck!
Oh yeah, if u want a poem just msg me the details n stuff.
See yaaa~~~~
-Friend/Choralspeaker who is a writer. xP
I know that i haven't entered a new post for 6 days or whatever but come on! I was being put through endless hours of torture during the stupid @!^#&%#@! exams!
You can't blame me! Blame the frigging creator of exams. >.< style="font-style: italic;">Love Blossoms: Discoveries chapter 8?
I don't even know what I'm gonna do for chap 3 of Let Me Be and Suteki da Ne.
Oh, er, just in case u didn't know, here are the links for the authors, which is ME:
The link to the stories are down there but just in case u're lazy here are the links:
Which is currently the most popular with 82 reviews for seven chapters.
With 13 reviews for two chapters.
With 10 reviews for two chapters. And having a beta helps. xD
With 9 reviews for four chapters. (NOT MY FAULT. Its harder to get reviews with YYH fics!) But I still enjoy it.
Legacy of Magic is gonna be rewritten under the title The Beginning: A New Era.
Wish me luck!
Oh yeah, if u want a poem just msg me the details n stuff.
See yaaa~~~~
-Friend/Choralspeaker who is a writer. xP
dead exams,
Friday, May 22, 2009
22nd May 2009 and 2nd part of 2008 Choral competition
22nd May 2009.
Its like they were created to put us students through hours and days of excruciating thinking torture. Study study study then BOOM! Brain information overload and the info can't go inside your brain. And then you're like, "OH SHIT!!!" or "F***!" or "SCREW YOU EXAMS!!!" and stuff when you're actually DOING the frigging exams. And BAM! Panic slams into you, shattering your concentration and frying your nerves, converting them to pure electricity, frying them into fried or scrambled eggs. (What joy - sarcasm-)
Sejarah was frigging hard. There i was, sitting on my chair, hands and arms on the desk, glaring at the innocent scrap of paper which had all difficult questions (to me anyway) trying to will it away so I won't have to answer. If i had a knife, i would have stabbed it. Honest.
BM was...OK.. But at certain parts I went like "SCREW YOU PEOPLE WHO SET THE QUESTIONS!?" or "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP?!". Gah, honestly, who needs exams when you can have quizzes instead?
I mean, quizzes won't fry your brain into oblivion.
Now, onto a nice and more enjoyable topic than the so-called 'innocence'* of exams.

This pic was taken at SMK Seafield, my bro's school. Cheers.
Anyway, so we were soooo happy when we got second place!! My bro was involved that year too, by the way, but now he can't cause he's form 5. Sad. Er, anyway, after we took pictures and photos and stuff we went back to the bus and back to school.
Now, we were all so darn happy and active, we decided to play a joke on our dear, er, coaches, you might say, by the names of Danielle and Michelle.
We faked unhappiness, saying we got bottom second place. Actually, what we said was 'second to the last', and lo and behold, Michelle bought it.
We practically burst into laughter and started screaming in happiness, AGAIN, while some of us said "No lah! We got 2nd place!" and then she was like shocked 4 a bit before recovering n stuff u noe?
And fast forward, we went home. The end of a fantastic day, yet also riddled with nerves during the competition. More to come xP see yaaaa..
-Writer at Heart
22nd May 2009.
Its like they were created to put us students through hours and days of excruciating thinking torture. Study study study then BOOM! Brain information overload and the info can't go inside your brain. And then you're like, "OH SHIT!!!" or "F***!" or "SCREW YOU EXAMS!!!" and stuff when you're actually DOING the frigging exams. And BAM! Panic slams into you, shattering your concentration and frying your nerves, converting them to pure electricity, frying them into fried or scrambled eggs. (What joy - sarcasm-)
Sejarah was frigging hard. There i was, sitting on my chair, hands and arms on the desk, glaring at the innocent scrap of paper which had all difficult questions (to me anyway) trying to will it away so I won't have to answer. If i had a knife, i would have stabbed it. Honest.
BM was...OK.. But at certain parts I went like "SCREW YOU PEOPLE WHO SET THE QUESTIONS!?" or "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP?!". Gah, honestly, who needs exams when you can have quizzes instead?
I mean, quizzes won't fry your brain into oblivion.
Now, onto a nice and more enjoyable topic than the so-called 'innocence'* of exams.

This pic was taken at SMK Seafield, my bro's school. Cheers.
Anyway, so we were soooo happy when we got second place!! My bro was involved that year too, by the way, but now he can't cause he's form 5. Sad. Er, anyway, after we took pictures and photos and stuff we went back to the bus and back to school.
Now, we were all so darn happy and active, we decided to play a joke on our dear, er, coaches, you might say, by the names of Danielle and Michelle.
We faked unhappiness, saying we got bottom second place. Actually, what we said was 'second to the last', and lo and behold, Michelle bought it.
We practically burst into laughter and started screaming in happiness, AGAIN, while some of us said "No lah! We got 2nd place!" and then she was like shocked 4 a bit before recovering n stuff u noe?
And fast forward, we went home. The end of a fantastic day, yet also riddled with nerves during the competition. More to come xP see yaaaa..
-Writer at Heart
2008 choralspeaking,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Choralspeaking Zon MPSJ 2008!!
Heya! =)
Where was I? Oh yes! 2008 Choralspeaking/Choralspeakerz!!!
Last year was totally awesome eventhough we had to SUFFER through torturous, but awesome hours of practice..
You read me right.
Anyway, our script was titled "Children of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow" So last year, we got 2nd place for zon and 3rd for daerah! I mean, it was so freakishly cool!
The time before we performed for the Zon MPSJ Competition in SMK Subang Utama if I'm not mistaken, all of us were sooooooooo nervous! Well, some of us anyway...unlike some people... So there we were, sitting there, chatting chatting and chatting away, some listening to music and stuff while some go do who knows what lah. Oh, and Pn Rajinder, En.Saiful and Pn Ginny were there with us. We took a bus there. Weeeeeeee!!! In the bus we talk talk talk and do stuff.
And then we were there.
Fast forward.
The schools before us performed.
Although when other schools performed, MOST of us stopped what the hell we had been doing and watched the performances, unlike CERTAIN people -coughahemcough-
Oh, and some even brought candy.
And drinks.
And if I'm not mistaken food as well o.O
And other stuff like MP3s, MP4s, PSPs....etc etc..
Soooo fun!!
Soon, it was our turn. I think we were to go fourth or fifth n.n
So right before we started, we all were damn nervous. You know, the usual hand sweating, freaking out, nervous chatting and panic.
Then before we knew it, 3, 2, 1, it was our turn!
Yasmin, our dear conductress went to take her position, and did the hand motions for us to go to the stage.
Blahblahblah, and then soon we were on the stage.
I was in the third line, on the poor bench... ANYWAY....
So I was panicking inside although I doubt that people noticed.
And we performed.
And then we finished eight minutes or so later.
And we went down to our place and sat.
And waited for the performances to finish after watching.
And chilled out for a while, talking about our nervousness and panic.
And then the judges said we could take around 30min break. A few of us stayed in the dewan though.
And so 97% of us walked around.
And went toilet and stuff.
And then, we went back in as 'resting' time was over.
And dun dun dun dun, was the time for the judges to announce their decision...
They started from 3rd.
3rd, I dunno what school and dont really care. By this time, we were sweating and freaking out.
And they announced the title of the script "Children of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow"
And more Silence.
A pin falling onto the floor could have been heard.
And then.
Complete, total and utter Pandemonium, Chaos, havoc, you name it, occured.
We screamed and shouted like mad people.
We high-fived.
We hugged.
We high-fived.
We cheered.
We screamed.
I think we made some ppl deaf o.o
I THINK!! (Narrator: They are perfectly innocent. They did not mean to make any1 deaf so please accept their sincere apology.)
And thats the end of the info about the 1st competition. More to come!
choralspeaking 2008,
zon mpsj
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